How to Create Tasks and Subtasks on PEPMIS Utumishi?

Ever wondered how government employees manage their duties efficiently? The ESS Utumishi Portal makes it simple and easy by breaking down tasks into subtasks, simplifying work and empowering public servants to stay organized and productive.

PEPMIS is an important Dashboard in the ESS Utumishi portal. Public servants of the Government of Tanzania can add their Tasks and Subtasks in the Utumishi portal through PEPMIS. Employees can set their goals, targets, activities, weight, performance measurement indicators, and starting and ending dates of the tasks. 

Once the tasks and subtasks are added to the Portal, then, employees have to update their task progress on a daily basis, and supervisors check and approve their tasks. PEPMIS also allows employees to track their performance reports in real-time. 

Create Tasks and Subtasks on PEPMIS Utumishi 

To create tasks and subtasks on the PEPMIS Utumishi Portal, follow these steps:

Step 1: Login the ESS Utumishi Portal

Visit the official ESS Portal by clicking the 


Step 2: Dashboard

On the dashboard of the ESS portal, you have these 6 tabs

  • Transfer
  • e-Loan
  • My profile
  • Salary Slip 
  • Leave 
utumishi dashboard

Step 3: Click on the “PEPMIS”

At the homepage click on the “PEPMIS” tab to open your workspace. 

click on pepmis

Once you login and navigate to the PEPMIS, you will see 7 different tabs,  these are:

  • Dashboard
  • Annual Institutional Performance Planning
  • Implementation and Monitoring
  • Annual Institutional Performance Plan Update
  • Employee Performance Assessment
  • Employee Performance Assessment Referral and Appeal
  • Report
feature of pepmis

Step 4: Add Supervisor & Year

In the PEPMIS dashboard you will see an option to add your Supervisor and Year to start the planning of whole year. 

  • Add Supervisor: To plan your tasks you have to add details of your Supervisor in the “Register Supervisor” tab.
add supervisor

Add Year

  • Add Year: Select the year of planning on PEPMIS. Select the year according to your institution’s annual year. ( Fiscal year or Calendar year).
add year

Step 5: Annual Institutional Performance Planning

Now Click on the Annual Institutional Performance Planning tab to start adding your tasks and sub tasks.

click planning

Step 6: Create Task

 Create Task: Click on the “create task” button to add a task to your “Task” box.

create task

Description: Write the details of the task in the description box.

task description

Step 7: Create Sub Tasks

When you create a task, in front of your task you will see a 3-dot menu option. Click on this menu and you will see 4 different options. Click on the “Create Subtask” option.

create sub task

Description: Add related sub-tasks by entering the necessary description of the task.

subtask description

Step 8: Add Dates

Mention the time limitations of the Task or subtask by adding the starting and ending dates of the Task.

add dates

Repeat: Repeat the same process for every Task you will perform this year.

Step 9: Save

Click on the Save “button” to save your tasks and subtask on the PEPMIS Portal.

save subtask

How to Update and Track Task Progress in PEPMIS?

To update and track your task progress on PEPMIS Portal follow these instructions:

Implementation and Monitoring

Once you have added the tasks and subtasks, you can update the progress of your tasks by following the method:

  • Implementation and Monitoring: Click on the “Implementation and Monitoring” tab to view your tasks and subtasks.
  • Tasks and Subtasks: You will see all your tasks and subtasks under the “Employee Sub Task Implementation Progress”. 
Employee subtask progress
  • Select Sub Task: Select the Task you want to update.  
  • Progress: To add the progress of the Task, you have to fill in these 3 tabs:
  1. Description
  2. Status (In the Status Bar, you can select Completed, In Progress, Not Started) 
    • Completed: Upload the file or picture of the Task.
    • In progress: Enter the percentage of completion.
    • Not started: If not started yet.
  3. Completion in percentage
Add subtask progress
  • Submit: Submit the Task after entering all details about the Task’s progress.
  • Status: The status of the Task or subtask will turn to “Accepted” when your Supervisor accepts your Task.
  • Employee daily subtask progress: You can add your daily subtask progress by repeating the same process.
  • Add Sub Task Performance Indicator: You can set your own goals and their weight in the performance indicator for a year to evaluate your progress.

Annual Institutional Performance Plan Update

Employees can update their institutional performance and plan by adding their completed tasks.

The Annual Institutional Performance Plan is also updated by the institutes or organizations every year to enhance the work progress.

Employee Performance Assessment

Employees can assess their tasks and subtasks from the “Employee Performance Assessment” tab. 

After clicking the tab, you will see two options (“Subtask assessment” and “Subtask assessment result”).Employees can assess their subtasks by scoring their subtasks in the “Set Score” tab.

Employee Performance Assessment Referral and Appeal

If employees are not satisfied with the performance assessment done by the Supervisor or manager then employees can request higher authorities to recheck the performance assessment through the “Employee Performance Assessment Referral and Appeal” section on the PEPMIS.


Once your tasks and subtasks get assessed by the supervisors and higher authorities you can view Download your Annual Performance Report.


PEPMIS portal provides a facility to the employees and the supervisors as both parties can check and update their daily tasks and subtasks on the Portal. It brings more clarity to the work procedure as employees know their daily tasks through the Portal. After assessment employees check their performance report and improve their work. PEPMIS increased the productivity of the public sector of Tanzania.

FAQs-Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! You can edit your Task and subtask in the PEPMIS.

No! You do not need to ask your Supervisor to check your Task as you have already updated the progress in the Portal.

After creating a Task in the Portal, click the three-dot option in front of the relevant Task. Click on three dots, and you will see the “create Subtask” option. Click on create subtask option to add your subtask.

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